Chattanooga contra mundum & how education defies revolution

The more impudent wicked people are in their opposition to religion the more openly and resolutely should God’s people appear in the practice and defense of it.

— Matthew Henry, comment on Ezekiel 3

The revolution against Christian morality remains incomplete, and efforts to overturn its outward forms will be hailed Saturday in Chattanooga during a protest. The event at city hall at 2 p.m. is being held against a resolution in the General Assembly marking today as Traditional Marriage Day.

Openly homosexual councilman Chris Anderson will be among those protesting the marriage notation by the people’s representatives, and “hopes the rally can serve as a step in the city’s and the state’s eventual advance toward recognizing workers of all orientations,” according to a news report. ‡

Johnny McCollum and six others from Hickory Valley Baptist church planned to join members of the Charlie Wysong family at city hall to declare their support for long-standing biblical norms and American legal tradition that upholds marriage as between one man and one woman.

Christians are people given by God to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the messiah. The implications of this belief are tremendous for individuals and cultures. Homosexuals’ claims are based on humanism, individualism, libertarianism, statism, human rights and a revolution against transcendence and a transcendent law. Christians’ claims depend on a library of 66 books, the Bible, which is God’s Word for the fallen race of mankind, and their own personal reformations and conversions, which are a powerful witness of the power of God in human affairs.

How Christian education affects the future

The transmission of Christianity through time to new peoples, new families, new neighborhoods is partly through education.

Lessons in my house began this week, with two of four children remaining at home. The boys, 10 and 17, are homeschooled. This evening I read to the youngest a few pages in King Arthur and His Knights by the inimitable Howard Pyle (official lessons). The bedtime story tonight (unofficial lesson?) depicted the daring rescue of a Huguenot mademoiselle a handsome Englishman — it’s part of a Henty novel, St. Bartholomew’s Eve, which for me is a second reading of it. I am excited by the story line about a defense of the reformed faith; elements of the narrative lapped into my night-night prayer at light’s out.

“The great freedom of Christian education in our homes and in our schools is that we are able to declare, with the faithful through the ages, the Lord our God is one, and you shall love the Lord your God will all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your might,” says George Grant in Arx Axiom teacher training, part of a training conference by Franklin Classical School in Franklin, Tenn.

“Christian education has the context that there is a God, that He is there, that He has spoken, that He is acted providentially in calling forth creation, spinning the orbs of the heavenlies into their places, breathing life into the creation, and declaring it is good. That is the beginning place of all true Christian education, in every single discipline. It shapes what we will do, and how we will do it. And there is no way around that. If we think that we are working objectively and somehow neutrally when it comes to the reality that there is a God, that He is sovereign, that He exercises His providence in accordance with His grace and His mercy, that His character is displayed in all places at all times in all beings, then we are fooling ourselves, and we ultimately will be teaching some sort of a lie, however deluded or however potent.

“So one of the things we have to do in our teaching task is to come alongside God’s perspective and declare at the beginning, this is what our bias is. We want to be aligned with God’s perspective and that means we are going to believe some things the world does not believe and in fact we are going to believe some things that are quite appalling to the world.”

Homosexualism vs. Christian culture

Dr. Grant tells about McDonald’s Corp., which declares “hate and hate speech has no place in the world of Ronald McDonald. And therefore there will be no toleration for those who hold to those perspectives deemed ‘hateful.’ Specifically, in the McDonald’s Corp. there can be no opposition whatsoever to same-sex marriage because it is now part of McDonald’s corporate policy to embrace same sex marriage, to donate to and have a place on the board of the three major gay-right activists and lobbying organizations in Washington. *** The very fact we make a distinction between what is right and what is not, between what is healthy, what constitutes a family and what does not — the very fact that we can make those definitional distinctions means we look crooked in the eyes of the world. Our children need to know this. They need to now this is our perspective, that we have taken a stand, that we have taken it unapologetically.”

Source: James Harrison, “Councilman Chris Anderson to participate in equality rally Saturday,”, Aug. 30, 2013

‡ This sentence in Mr. Harrison’s story invites the reader to share in the gay lobby’s optimism, the sense of its goals being reachable, inevitable. A revision: “[Chris Anderson] hopes the rally can serve as a step in what he sees as the city’s and the state’s eventual advance toward recognizing workers of all orientations.” See the difference? In the original, Christendom has lost and is fleeing for the hills.

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